How well am I doing? Well, I’ll find out tomorrow night as I get looked over by my local WordPress group. A bit unnerving but nevertheless a good thing, I always like to find out how I can do better.
When you are self-employed and work alone it is hard to find someone or something with whom to compare yourself. You might aim too unreasonably high and in the wrong area or too low and not learn anything at all…as you probably know all the information put forward at the lower level.
It’s never easy to have someone tell you where you have gone awry, and with web sites that can be anything of many things. There’s your theme, how does it look or work, are you up to date in style and functionality and does that suit your site’s function. Have you kept everything up to date and are all your links working and images unbroken.
I have looked at a lot of sites and can be critical myself but that is only because I try to take the time to keep up to date and to learn new things.
Well, we’ll see how I come out at our meeting!!!